Home > Setup > Application > Reason Codes

Reason Codes (SET412)

The Reason Codes screen allows users to change the display names for each Reason that is provided when an application is approved or denied. To change a reason code's description, click on the desired reason code's text field, and make the desired changes.


When you have completed any desired changes, click Save to keep the changes you made. You can reset the changes you've made without saving them by refreshing this screen in your web browser or by navigating to another screen.


Application Reason Code Description Definition
Calculated The patron's eligibility was calculated based on the patron's household income.
Categorical The patron's eligibility was set because the patron has a benefit number.
Direct Certification The patron's eligibility type was granted based on documentation obtained directly from the appropriate state or local agency or other authorized individual.
Foster Child The patron's eligibility was granted because the patron's Application Type was set to Foster Child.
Import The patron's eligibility was granted directly from an import file.
Income Above Limit The patron's income level was higher than the limit required for free or reduced eligibility.
Incomplete Application The patron's application for eligibility was incomplete.
No Signature The patron's signature was missing from the application. Note that if the patron has an application type that does not require a signature, the patron
No Income Reported The patron did not report any income.
No SSN The patron did not include a Social Security Number with the application.
Other The reason does not match any of the existing reason codes.
Reduction in Benefits This reason will be displayed if a patron receives a temporary application due to a reduction in benefits.