Help Topics > Patrons > How-To: Adding Transactions to a Patron's Account

How-To: Adding Transactions to a Patron's Account

The Add New Transaction section on the Patron Account screen allows you to add or remove funds from a patron’s account in the form of a balance adjustment, online payment, credit, or refund. To add a transaction to an account:


  1. Navigate to Patrons > Patron Account.

  2. Use the search tool to locate and select the patron to whose account you wish to add a transaction.

  3. In the Add New Transaction section, select the Transaction Type for the transaction to be added.

  4. Enter the amount to be added to the patron’s account in the Amount field. To remove funds from the account, enter a negative amount.

  5. Select the School and Terminal at which the transaction is taking place.

  6. Enter the Check Number for the check received, if any. You may also enter a Transaction Comment if desired.

  7. Click “Save Transaction” or “Save Transaction and Print Receipt”.