The Vending Machine uses a number of messages that display on the screen of the machine. Below is a list of all possible messages, along with a brief explanation as to why they might appear:
StarLink Error Message | Vend-Connect Error Message | Description |
"Unknown Srv Mode" | "Current Serving Period Unknown" | This error will display if the Patron attempts to make a purchase at a time of day that is not within an existing Session. You may need to create a new session that includes the current time of day. |
"PIN/ID Not Found" | "PIN Not Found! Please Try Again" | This error will be displayed if the PIN or ID that was entered does not match any existing Patrons. |
"No System Unit" | "Machine Name Not Found in System" | This error will be displayed if the vending machine's Machine Name, as configured in the Terminals setup screen, cannot be found in the CustomerVending table in the master database. You may need to create the vending machine's Terminal, or you may need to update the Machine Name or MAC Address in the appropriate setup screen. |
"Unknown Machine" | "Unknown Vending Unit. See Admin." | This error will be displayed if the vending machine's Machine Name, as configured in the Terminals setup screen, cannot be found in the customer database. This error usually accompanies the above "No System Unit" error, but this error might be displayed by itself if a system restore was performed on the customer database that did not restore the appropriate Terminal. |
"Not a Valid Date" | "Birthdate Was Not a Valid Date" | This error will be displayed if the Patron attempts to enter a Birthdate that is not valid, such as January 50 or February 30. |
"No BDate on File" | "Can't Serve- No Birthdate is Set" | This error will be displayed if the terminal is set to require birthdates but the Patron was not given a birthdate in eTrition 7. You may need to add the Patron's birthdate to his or her Patron Information screen. |
"Wrong Birthdate." | "Birthdate Does Not Match Data" | This error will be displayed if the birthdate that the Patron entered does not match the date on the Patron's Account. This error will only be displayed if the terminal is configured to require a birthdate. |
"Birthdate Needed" | "Birth Date Needed But Not Entered" | This error will be displayed if the terminal has been configured to require a birthdate but the vending machine is not configured to ask for one. You will need to update either the Terminal Configuration, or update the vending machine's Options. |
"Not Enrolled" | "No Active Enroll Record Was Found" | This error will display when the Patron is either dropped, or does not have an active enrollment in any school in the district. |
"No Term Config" | "Terminal Config Does not Exist." | This error will be displayed if the vending machine has a Terminal in eTrition 7, but no Configuration has been created for that Terminal. You will need to create a Terminal Configuration from the Terminal Configuration setup screen. |
"No Term Layout" | "Terminal Layout Has Not Been Set" | This error will be displayed if the vending machine has a Terminal and a Terminal Configuration, but no POS Layout. You will need to assign a POS Layout to the Terminal Configuration from the Terminal Configuration setup screen; if you have not created the appropriate POS Layout, you may also need to create a POS Layout for the vending machine from the Meal Service Layout screen. |
"PIN/ID Duplicate" | "PIN/ID Duplicate Can't Vend Items" | This error will be displayed if the PIN that was entered matches multiple Patrons. This error may appear if the "Allow Duplicate POS PINs" option is not selected in the Patron Configuration screen and more than one Patron has the same PIN within the district. You may need to generate new POS PINs from the Generate POS PINs utility screen, or you may need to check the "Allow Duplicate POS PINs" option in Patron Configuration. |
"Srv Not Allowed" | "Service For This Mode Not Allowed" | This error will be displayed if the serving for the Patron in the current serving period. You may need to remove a POS Limit for the Patron in the Patron Accounts screen. |
"No Item On Key" | "No Menu Item On Key. See Admin." | This error will be displayed if the Patron attempts to select a key that is not mapped to a Sales Item in the POS Layout. You may need to update the POS Layout, or the Patron may need to select a different key. |
"No Price Found" | "Price Record For Item Not Found" | This error will be displayed if the selected Sales Item does not have a Sales Item Price for the selected Patron. You may need to add a Sales Item Price to the Sales Item from the Sales Items setup screen. |
"Vend Not Allowed" | "Vend Not Allowed For Your Account" | This error will be displayed if the Patron has a POS Limit on his or her account that restricts the Patron from using vending machines based on Item Group and Session. |
"Balance Too Low!" | "Balance Too Low For That Item" | This error will be displayed if the Patron attempts to make a purchase for an amount that exceeds the Patron's current balance. |
"Spending Limit." | "Daily Spending Limit Is Reached" | This error will be displayed if purchasing the selected item would exceed the Patron's spending limit for that item group, as configured in the POS Limits section of the Patron's Account screen. |
"Quantity Limit." | "Daily Quantity Limit Is Reached" | This error will be displayed if purchasing the selected item would exceed the Patron's quantity limit for that item group, as configured in the POS Limits section of the Patron's Account screen. |
"No Key Assigned" | "Setup Error On Selected Item" | This error represents an unhandled exception. Contact Support. |
"Bad SLink Packet" | "Bad Vend-Connect Packet Received" | This error represents an unhandled exception. Contact Support. |
"No Session Data." | "Data Session Err Please Try Again" | This error represents an unhandled exception. Contact Support. |
"Invalid Protocol" | "Protocol In use Is Not Allowed" | This error represents an unhandled exception. Contact Support. |
"Processing Error" | "Processing Error Please Try Again" | This error represents an unhandled exception. Contact Support. |
"General Error" | "General/Unknown Error. Try Again" | This error represents an unhandled exception. Contact Support. |