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Calendars (SET445)

The Calendars screen allows you to create and modify the calendar types used when determining patron enrollments in your system. These same calendars are also used to configure serving day exceptions, such as holidays or professional development days, as well as determining expiration dates for eligibility in each school year.


The screen is divided into four sections, which are described below:



In addition, here are some other resources for information pertaining to calendars in eTrition7:


Calendar Types

When you create an enrollment for a patron, you must select a Calendar Type, which determines which calendar the patron will use for that enrollment. Once a calendar type has been created, you will also need to assign an Application Expiration Date for each School Year, which will determine the date on which applications for patrons using that calendar type will expire.


Field Name Description
Calendar Code This field displays the calendar type's abbreviated name. This abbreviated name will be displayed on reports and other instances where the full name of the calendar type might not fit in the space allowed.
Description This field displays the calendar type's full name, which will be displayed in drop-down lists, search results, and on reports where there is enough space to display the full name for the calendar type.
Sort Order The value in this field determines in what order the current calendar type will be displayed on search results and in reports that sort by Calendar Type. Lower numerical values will be displayed first; the default value for this field is 10.
Default Calendar

If this option is selected, the current calendar type will be used as the default calendar for all new enrollments, and will be used for patrons on new applications if available.


Note that only one calendar type can be set as the default calendar for your system.

Active If this option is not selected, the current calendar type will not be displayed on reports or in drop-down lists. You must set a calendar type to be Active in order to enroll a patron using that calendar type.


To add a new application expiration date, click the “Add New Application Expiration Date” button.


Field Name Description
School Year

This drop-down list displays all of the currently active school years in your system. The selected school year designates to which school year the current application expiration date will be applied.


Note that only one application expiration date may be created per calendar type per school year.

Application Expiration Date

The date entered in this field will be used as the expiration date for the eligibility of any patrons enrolled using this calendar type.


The Calendars section allows you to create school year date ranges for each calendar type, which determines the drop date for patrons enrolled with the specified calendar type. If you have not created a calendar date range for a school year, you will not be able to enroll patrons using that calendar type during that school year.


To create a new school year date range, click Add New from the Calendars tab.


Field Name Description
Calendar Type

This drop-down list displays all of the currently active calendar types in your system. The calendar type selected in this field will determine to which calendar type the entered date range will apply for patrons enrolled using that calendar type.


Note that only one calendar date range may be entered per school year per calendar type.

School Year

This drop-down list displays all of the currently active calendar types in your system.  The school year selected in this field will determine for which school year the entered date range will apply for all patrons enrolled using the selected calendar type.


Note that only one calendar date range may be entered per school year per calendar type.

Start Date The date entered in this field will be the earliest possible date for a patron's enrollment in the selected school year for the selected calendar type. Patrons enrolled prior to the entered date will not be enrolled in the selected school year.
End Date The date entered in this field will be the last day of enrollment for any patron enrolled using the selected calendar type during the selected school year.

Calendar Exceptions

Calendar Exceptions are date-specific changes to a calendar type for one or more schools. You can assign a date or date range that is normally a serving day and designate it as a non-serving day, or you can assign a date that is normally not a serving day (such as a weekend) and designate it as a serving day.


To create a new calendar exception, click Add New from the Calendar Exceptions tab.


Field Name Description
Select Schools

The schools selected in this table will be the only schools that utilize the entered calendar exception. Clicking "Select Schools" will open the Select Schools search tool, allowing you to select one or more schools to be added to the table.


Note that if no schools are selected, the calendar exception will be applied to all schools.

Calendar Type

The calendar types selected will be the only calendar types affected by the entered calendar exception.


Note that if no calendar types are selected, the exception will be applied to all calendar types.

School Year This drop-down list displays all of the currently active school years in your system. The school year selected in this field will determine which school year date range will be affected by this calendar exception.
Start Date The date entered in this field will be designated as the first day of the calendar exception date range.
End Date The date entered in this field will be designated as the final day of the calendar exception date range. To designate a single-day calendar exception, specify an end date that is the same as the start date.
Serving Day

If this option is selected, the calendar exception date range will be specified as serving days, even if those dates would not normally be serving days.


If this option is not selected, the calendar exception date range will be specified as non-serving days, even if those dates would normally be serving days. Non-serving days will not be available for meal service.


Holidays are date-specific non-serving days or date ranges, which designate a range of days as non-serving days for all schools, regardless of calendar type.


To create a new holiday, click Add New from the Holidays tab.


Field Name Description
Description This field displays the name of the holiday being entered.
School Year This drop-down list displays all of the currently active school years in your system. The school year selected in this field will determine which school year date range will be affected by this holiday.
Start Date The date entered in this field will be designated as the first day of the holiday date range.
End Date The date entered in this field will be designated as the final day of the holiday date range. To designate a single-day holiday, specify an end date that is the same as the start date.