Help Topics > Vending Machines > Vending Machines: Initial Setup

Vending Machines: Initial Setup

Once you have set up your vending machine with the desired preferences, you must set the vending machine's IP Address to match your host server, whether your server is hosted locally or through SaaS. You will also need to find out the MAC Address for the vending machine if you are using the 08 Protocol, or assign the vending machine a Machine Name if using the StarLink Standard Protocol or Vend-Connect Protocol.


The following steps will walk you through the process of assigning an IP Address, locating the MAC Address, and assigning a Machine Name. This setup assumes that you have already configured the other preferences as described in the user manual, available here.


The first thing you will need to do is set the IP Address to match your host server.

  1. With the vending machine panel open, press the Menu Switch to access the main menu.
  2. Using the 2 and 8 keys on the number pad, scroll down to the IP Menu and press #.
  3. Using the keypad as described here, modify each part of the IP Address until it matches the IP Address of your host server. If you are operating within the SaaS environment, the IP Address is If you are operating locally, contact your server administrator to find out what the IP Address is.


If you are using Vend-Connect or the StarLink Standard Protocol, you will also need to assign a Machine Name to the vending machine. Follow these steps to assign a Machine Name:

  1. With the vending machine panel open, press the Menu Switch to access the main menu.
  2. Using the 2 and 8 keys on the number pad, scroll down to the IP Menu and press #.
  3. Scroll down to Machine Name, and use the keypad to change the number of the Machine Name, as described here. Note that StarLink Standard Protocol requires a value between 1 and 9, and Vend-Connect requires a value between 1 and 999.


If you are using the StarLink 08 Protocol, you will need to find the MAC Address for the vending machine to match it to the Terminal you will set up in eTrition 7. You will need to set the Vending Machine's "Use 08 Protocol" option to Y (see below). Follow these steps to find your machine's MAC Address, and be sure to have a pen and paper to write it down:

  1. With the vending machine panel open, press the Menu Switch to access the main menu.
  2. Using the 2 and 8 keys on the number pad, scroll down to the Technical Menu and press #.
  3. Using the 2 and 8 keys on the number pad, scroll down until the screen reads "Press 0 to Read MAC Address". Press 0.
  4. The MAC Address will appear after a few seconds. Copy this address exactly as it appears on the screen.


If you know that you will be using additional options, you may want to configure these options now. Follow these steps to configure additional preferences:

  1. With the vending machine panel open, press the Menu Switch to access the main menu.
  2. Scroll down to the Options Menu and press #.
  3. Scroll up or down to the following menu options. Use the 4 and 6 keys on the number pad to scroll through the choices for each option.

    Show PIN Numbers Y/N: Set this option to Y to display the Patron's PIN as it is being entered. If you set this option to N, the Patron's PIN will be displayed as asterisks.

    Show Balance Y/N: If you set this option to Y, the Patron's remaining balance will be displayed once the transaction is completed.

    232 Card Reader Y/N: If you set this option to Y, the 232 Card Reader will be enabled, allowing Patrons to use Code 39 barcode Cards to interface with the machine. Note that if you set this option to Y, you must set the PIN Rqrd w. Card option to N.

    PIN Rqrd w. Card Y/N: If you set this option to Y, the machine will ask for a PIN before allowing the Patron to scan their card. However, eTrition 7 is not configured to allow this option. Set it to N.

    Use Birthdate Y/N: If you set this option to Y, the machine will ask for the Patron's Birthdate in addition to the Patron's PIN. If you have the Terminal Configuration set to Require Birthdates, you must have this option set to Y.

    Use 08 Protocol Y/N: If you set this option to Y, the vending machine will use the '08 Protocol when syncing with eTrition 7. You will need to retrieve the vending machine's MAC address (see above).


Once you have followed the above steps, proceed to Terminal Setup to create the vending machine's terminal in eTrition 7.